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how to submit: prose and poetry

Include in the email description the name of each piece, the category, along with the name, school, and graduating year of the artist. 


title the file: [piece name]_[writer name]_[category]




The maximum length for one poem is 800 words, and you may submit up to four of them separately. You may also submit a collection of up to 4 poems in one document, with a maximum of 2000 words.  

All poems must be in a legible, preferable serif font.

Acceptable File Formats: pdf, doc or docx.


Flash Fiction

The maximum length for a flash fiction piece is 600 words. The minimum is 100 words. 

The piece must be in a legible, preferably serif font.

Acceptable File Formats: pdf, doc, or docx.


Personal Essay/Prose

The maximum length for a personal essay or prose piece is 2500 words. The minimum is 1000. 

The piece must be in a legible, preferably font. 

Acceptable File Formats: jpeg, jpg, tif, pdf



If there is an additional piece of artwork or media related to your piece, include it in the email under the file name: [Attached Media Name]_[Writer Name]_[Category].


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